The top 100 guests from each Live! Casino property that have participated in every week of the promotion with the most correct picks at the end of the season with win cash and free play prizes.In the case of a weekly tie, the tie breaker will be based on the guests total combined score guess for the designated Monday night game.
Winners will be posted and Free Play will be added on Tuesday’s by 12:00PM.The 10 guests with the highest number of winners picked each week will win free play prizes at their respective property.Guests can earn 100 Tier Credits 8:00AM Tuesday – 11:59PM Saturday each week to receive your pick.Once 100 Tier Credits are earned each week, simply swipe yourLive! Rewards® card at any promotional kiosk to participate.TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 - SATURDAY, JANUARY 6 WIN A SHARE OF OVER $300,000 IN PRIZES! $300,000 Pick 'Em ChallengeĮarn 100 Tier Credits each week to join the competition for your chance to win!